i was in a luxurious hotel with my ex…. we were not close emotionally but in bed the soft skin and warmth was very arousing…. i had been to the toilet for a pee and she had moved over slightly to my side of the bed indicating an interest in physical contact…. before i hopped ...
Added 6.9.08: The sources I found aren’t clear about when, exactly, Faye signed with Cinepoly in the sequence of events described above. The most prevalent view is that she studied singing in HK with Mr. and Mrs. Dai Sicong (戴思聪), who recognized her gifts and introduced her to Che...
The singer Ellie Goulding sees what's out there in pop stardom."I was obsessed with murder," the...JULIANNE ESCOBEDO SHEPHERD
Here’s Faye receiving the Hong Kong Best Female Singer Award for 1997. The next two are of Faye in her 1996 TV appearance with host Chang Fei (张菲). He seems to always put Faye at ease, and as a result, we see Faye relaxed, smiling, and laughing. Absolutely adorable. This performa...