We are a Licensed Finance company, offering a range of financial products including Fixed Deposits, Leasing Facilities, Gold Loans and Saving Accounts.
Latest Singer Finance (Lanka) PLC (SFIN.N0000:CSE) share price with interactive charts, historical prices, comparative analysis, forecasts, business profile and more.
Singer Finance (Lanka) PLC, a subsidiary of Singer (Sri Lanka) PLC was incorporated on 19th April 2004 to operate as a finance leasing entity.. Read more USEFUL LINKS Careers Annual Reports Contact us Privacy Policy CONTACT US No. 498, R. A. De Mel Mawatha, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka (+...
相比竞争对手,Singer Finance的法律结算基准如何? 我们发现下列公司与Singer Finance (Lanka) PLC相近,它们都属于相关的行业。我们还考虑了规模、增长和各种财务指标,并将列表缩小到以下范围。 Singer Finance的法律结算基准 名称代码法律结算 Singer Finance (Lanka) PLC COSE:SFIN.N0000 - Financials SECTOR:FIN.LK ...
Singer Finance的利息费用复合年均增长率(10年)无意义。在计算变动时,我们检测到最新值是负值,导致计算已无意义。. 查看Singer Finance (Lanka) PLC的利息费用复合年均增长率(10年)趋势、图表等
Factoring is a working capital solution designed to improve the cash flow of a business which sells goods and services on credit terms. Factoring will make funds available, even when banks would not do so. This is the fastest way to collect money on invoices generated for products delivered or...
Singer Finance (Lanka) PLC的销售、一般及行政开支的复合年均增长率(7年)排名为第16.0%名,处于板块内86.0%的水平。下表提供了更多数据的摘要: 板块财务状况的销售、一般及行政开支的复合年均增长率(7年) 用本选股器选股器,可以找到具有相近销售、一般及行政开支的复合年均增长率(7年)的公司。
Come and enjoy the trusted service of your nearest Singer finance Branch.Today’s applicable foreign currency exchange rates. Date 14-February-2025 Country FlagCurrencyBuying Rate (LKR)Selling Rate (LKR) US Dollars (100/50) 289.00 300.72 US Dollars (20/10/05) 288.25 300.72 US Dollars (01/02...
相比竞争对手,Singer Finance的上修每股收益的分析师比率,最近90天基准如何? 我们发现下列公司与Singer Finance (Lanka) PLC相近,它们都属于相关的行业。我们还考虑了规模、增长和各种财务指标,并将列表缩小到以下范围。 Singer Finance的上修每股收益的分析师比率,最近90天基准 名称代码上修每股收益的分析师比率,最近...
The brand Singer, introduced Hire Purchase to the world way back in 1851 and then the beginnings were humble and small, although a Savings products is not an innovation, the company’s track record speaks of a high success rate and we remain optimistic that the simple beginning of “Singer ...