Some of the same fabrics sold at Albert Cupmarkt are cheaper than Lapjesmarkt although I wouldn’t dare say the same for all since there might be some available at Lapjesmarkt that isn’t available over here and some stalls at Lapjesmarkt do sell cheap fabrics as well. ...
“You want discounted ones, go downstairs, so many!” or “No point offering cheap goodies. If it’s not nice, you’re wasting your money”. It all sounds so logical, and you’ll be parting with your cash. XD (*There’ll be discounts when you buy A LOT, e.g. $205 then you ...
If you thought Daiso was cheap, this place will blow. your. mind. With everything going at RM2, you can find stationery, snacks, glassware, and household supplies here. Eco-Shop is a retail chain with 75 stores around Malaysia, but you can get to the closest one at Desaru, Johor Bahr...