SP:Speical Pass工作准证 WP:Work Permit工作准证 DP:Dependant's Pass 家属准证 LTVP:Long Term Visit Pass 长期探访准证 STVP:Short Term Visit Pass 短期旅游准证 STP:Student Pass 学生签证 PEP:Personalized Employment Pass 特殊类别工作准证 TP:Tech Pass 科技准证 IPA:In-Principle Approval Letter 入境工作或...
Short-term Visit Pass:It is also issued for students willing to take short-term courses in Singapore. However, the duration of the course must be 30 days and not more than that. Students pursuing short-term or part-time courses are not eligible to apply for the Singapore Student Pass. Thi...
For any cancellation of employment pass, the work pass holder will be given 30 days short term visit pass to arrange for his/her departure. Before the departure, it is the responsibility of the applicant to seek tax clearance from theInland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). The employer...
Non-fully vaccinated Long-Term Pass Holders (LTPHs) and Short-term visitors (STVs) aged 13 and above are generally not allowed to enter Singapore, except for the following groups: LTPHs medically ineligible for vaccines; LTPHs aged 13 to 17, subject to the appropriate measures; and ...
Applicants must possess a short-term visit pass. The applicant needs to adhere to additional particular legal requirements in Singapore. Types of Passes for Dependents Dependent's Pass Long-term Visit Pass Pre-approved Letter of Consent Letter of Consent for Dependent's Pass Holders who are Busines...
Short-term work passes for Singapore Foreign workers arriving in Singapore on a short-term Visit Pass are not usually allowed to engage in any work-related activities. In certain cases, however, (For e.g.: journalists or speakers at public events), the holders are allowed to apply for misce...
Short Term Visit Pass expiry date Type of activity that will be performed Period of activity (start-date and end-date) Notifying Extension of Stay Extension of stay beyond the original time period must be promptly notified to the MOM, by resubmitting the notification, and updating the travel do...
1) Apply online, go to ICA official website to find Extension of Short Term Visit Pass (e-XTEND) and then log in to apply for extension. Generally, the result will be released quickly, and the extension will be passed or rejected; 2) Go to ICA counter to apply for extension. If the...
Singapore S-Pass Singapore Dependent Pass (DP) Long-Term Visit Pass Singapore Investor Pass Singapore Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) Work Passes are issued by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). 1. Singapore Employment Pass (EP) Singapore’s Employment Pass (EP) is for professionals, managers, and ...
Visitor who has been granted a short term Social Visit Pass at the Singapore Checkpoint and wish to attend a short course that can be completed within the validity of the initial Social Visit Pass granted to him/her at the Singapore Checkpoint or 30 days, whichever is shorter. It must satis...