PIC自雇移民是指申请人通过在新加坡成立一家私人投资公司(Private Investment Company),实际参与管理及运营,担任公司股东/董事/高级管理职位,公司主营金融及股权投资类,主要收入是投资所带来的收益,运营支出主要是人员工资及办公费用,并且该公司可享受新加坡初创公司首三年的税务减免政策。
Affordable excellence is our commitment at Hotspot Home Tutor Agency Singapore. Benefit from the best tutoring rates without compromising on the quality of education. We strive to make high-quality home tuition accessible to all, ensuring that your investment in your child’s education delivers except...
Singapore private limited company is a highly recommended entity. Pick your desiredbusiness sectorand make it profitable with this type of company in the country. The main reason is that it has a distinct legal status, so its members have limited liability only to their shares. In addition, su...
According to theSingaporean law, aninvestment fund set up as an offshore fundcan beexempt from the taxes on incomearising frominvestments.In this case,thefund’s income must beproduced by aSingapore fund management companywith alicense for capital markets services.The same exemption applies tofunds...
GICGeneral Insurance Company(various locations) GICGeneral Insurance Corporation of India GICGovernment Information Center GICGlass Ionomer Cement(dentistry) GICGlobal In-House Center GICGuaranteed Investment Certificate GICGeomagnetically Induced Current ...
Welcome to Singapore Investment Bloggers! This site provides an updated listing of investment blogs based in Singapore. If you would like your blog to be added in the list, simply fill up the form in the "Add Me" tab and create a link back to the site. ...
an exempt private company to register their business in Singapore. It is suitable for most types of commercial activities in the region, and it allows you to successfully resolve issues related to immigration, recruitment, registration of intellectual property rights and attraction of investment capital...
Singapore Private Limited (company registration number: UEN. 201541306Z), which is licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) pursuant to the Securities and Futures Act 2001 (“SFA”) of Singapore, and is managed by Robeco Singapore Private Limited and/or its affiliates (...
Shenning Investments Private Limited is a Licensed Fund Management Company in Singapore regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. We are a fund manager specialising in providing investment solutions to family offices, institutions and sophisticated investors worldwide. ...
The Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC) is a government-owned company assigned to manage Singapore'ssovereign wealth fund. The fund is now officially named: GIC Private Limited. The GIC was formed in 1981 with the aim to invest the sovereign wealth fund more aggressively in highe...