SingaporePostal Code Data BaseSingapore Singapore: Region1 | Region2 | Region3 This is the Singapore Postcode website,including more than items of area, city, region and zip code etc.Singapore This is the Singapore Postcode website,including more than items of area, city, region and zip cod...
This is the Singapore postcode website, including more than 124289 items of area, city, region and zip code etc.
CountryHASCPopulationArea(km.²)Area(mi.²) SingaporeSG.SG3,771,721723279 Country:This division is the whole of the country, treated as a division for compatibility. HASC:Hierarchical administrative subdivision code. Population:2010-06-30 census. ...
Note: Global Express Guaranteed service is suspended as of September 29, 2024. Refer toNotice 123,Price List, for the applicable retail, Commercial Base, or Commercial Plus price. Weight Limit: 70 lbs. Size Limits(211.22) The surface area of the address side of the item to be mailed must...
If IP anonymization is activated on this website, the IP address will however be truncated by Google in advance within member states of the European Union or in other states that are party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be...
your name, phone number, email address, postal code and delivery address,so that we can: (1) inform you of the status of your order; and (2) deliver to you the products that you have ordered on this Platform; your order information,so that we can ensure that: (1) you will receive...
Country / Area(國家/地區): Hong Kong, China (中國香港) Postal Code(郵政編碼): No postcode needed in Hong Kong (香港不使用郵遞區號) Purchase Category(采购类别) Logistics Services (物流服務) Logistics Services Industry Index(行業索引):
is specifically designed for single people. The difference from 1-bedroom units is that the living room, bedroom, and kitchen in this studio apartment are an integrated open space without the separation of solid walls. The area is usually around 15 - 50 square meters. While the layout is ...
Canada7-15 days Australia7-15 days Postage Rate ZoneCountry and AreaOrdinary/kgRegistered/kgRegistration Fee (CNY) 1Malaysia, Brunei, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, American Samoa, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Cook Islands, Fiji, France, Polynesia, Guam, India, Kiribati, ...
And because there’s nothing quite like enterprise to stir a Singaporean’s heart, this new generation quickly developed the old hotel into a modern hotel in 1996. The quiet street it stood on became a bit louder. There’s more restaurants, pubs, and shopping around the area. Times changed...