(Singapore) National Olympiad in Informatics 2023 Final Contest 题解 A★★ 简单题,每一维开个堆,然后类似跑拓扑,一个点如果每一维都被选了就加上,复杂度O(nklogn)O(nklogn)。 B★★ 珂朵莉树板子题。 C★★ 上升阶段,肯定每走一步都上升。 设走到一个点的距离是fxfx,那么走到yy的时候的时间就...
NOI : National Olympiad in Informatics 全国青少年计算机程序设计竞赛 PE : Physical Education 体育 SMO : Singapore Mathematical Olympiad 新加坡数学奥林匹克竞赛 AMC : American Mathematics Competition 美国数学邀请赛 SYF : Singapore Youth Festival 一个全国范围的表演及评审,两年一次,表演类CCA最重视的项目 OSA ...
Hi all, Singapore has recently concluded its 2014 National Olympiad in Informatics (on 8 March 2014), which is used to select the team to represent Singapore at 2014 IOI. All tasks (4 of them) can be foundhereand all test data can be foundhere. Edit: Just a note here, the time limi...