Step into the world of artistic brilliance at the Singapore Art Museum (SAM), the epicenter of contemporary art in Tanjong Pagar. Unleash your creativity!
新加坡美术馆 (Singapore Art Museum) 参访新加坡美术馆,沉浸在栩栩如生、充满艺术生命的当代艺术世界。 在地图上查看 另请 查看 艺术博物馆和机构 新加坡国家美术馆 National Gallery Singapore 新加坡乃至东南亚地区最新、最大的现代艺术博物馆坐落于新加坡两座庄严肃穆的国家古迹之中,非常值得一睹其风采。
78 years ago, even before the World War 2, the foundation stone of the Supreme Court building was laid by Sir Shenton Thomas. A time capsule was buried beneath the foundation stone, containing 6 Singapore newspapers dated 31 March 1937 and a bunch of Straits Settlements coins. Today, it’s...
新加坡国家美术馆还设有新加坡首个艺术教育中心——吉宝美术教育中心 (Keppel Centre for Art Education)。家庭和学生还可参加一系列精心策划且气氛活跃的学习项目和活动,沉浸在创意十足的学习环境中。 新加坡国家美术馆 National Gallery Singapore 1 St Andrew's Road,Singapore178957 ...
Singapore's largest Art Museum National Gallery Singapore是一个新的视觉艺术机构,它拥有在新加坡和东南亚最多数量的现代艺术的公共收藏品。它坐落在两个国家纪念碑之间 -- 前最高法院和市政厅。 画廊将通过长期,特殊的展览来展现新加坡和东南亚的艺术,进而反映新加坡得天独厚的艺术遗产和地理位置。它也将与世界...
Amazing museum, beautifully curated and well worth two/three hours of your time while in Singapore. See ticketsSee tours 2024 9. National Gallery Singapore 1,335 Architectural Buildings • Art Museums Downtown Core/Downtown Singapore Admission tickets from $11 By christinebZ5312QG The collection...
新加坡国家美术馆 National Gallery Singapore 如今的国家美术馆曾是两座国家古迹:前高等法院和政府大厦。这两座建筑位于市政区的中心地带,见证了不少新加坡历史上重要的里程碑。前高等法院和政府大厦首建于 20 世纪二十年代和三十年代,如今已成为新加坡最大的博物馆,历史悠久的大厅中藏有一大批艺术品。 新加坡国家美术...
National Museum of Singapore: Tickets, Tours & Best Exhibits Singapore is a city rich in history that dates back thousands of years, and the city-state showcases its remarkable background at the National Museum of Singapore, located conveniently in the Downtown Core. Singapore's history is what...
Embark on a cultural journey at the National Gallery Singapore, the largest art museum in Southeast Asia. Explore interactive tours and enrich your experience.