Singapore’s first net zero building[1]by a bank. This contributes to the national push to green 80% of Singapore’s buildings (by Gross Floor Area) by 2030 under the Singapore Green Building Masterplan,[2]and is a significant milestone in the bank’s journey towa...
Several aspects of the Singapore Green Plan require the support and collaboration of individuals. These include the need for higher adoption of electric vehicle use, opting to cycle over driving, cutting down on household energy and water consumption, reducing waste and making green purchases. Accordi... Focusing on five key pillars - City in Nature, Energy Reset, Sustainable Living, Green Economy, and Resilient Future – the Plan touches on almost every dimension of our lives. Achieving the ambitious plan is not without challenges and limitations due the uniqueness of Si...
In line with the Singapore Green Plan 2030, LTA vehicle inspection certificates are only issued upon special request. You may request this hard copy only if it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, it’s probably better to play your part in being eco-friendly and simply view your vehicle inspecti...
The Electric Vehicle (EV) industry has been one of the most successful approach in helping to reduce global carbon dioxide emission. In Singapore alone, we are witnessing more EVs on the road. As part of Singapore Green Plan, new vehicles registered from 2030 will only be renewable energy mod...
(Reuters) - Travelers will need to bear the cost of the transition towards green jet fuel, Singapore's transport minister said as he announced the city state's plans for a levy on flight ticket prices as the aviation industry seeks a viable funding model. ...
I welcome SingPost’s electric vehicles trial and its ambition towards a fully electric delivery fleet, in support of Singapore Green Plan 2030. This shows SingPost’s commitment to environmental sustainability, and as well as its continued investment to ...
With initiatives like the Singapore Green Plan 2030 driving a nationwide sustainability agenda, Singaporean businesses have aunique opportunity to integrate carbon insetting efforts into their operationsand play a pivotal role in advancing the country's larger environmental objectives. ...
The view from the train Seen from the train: A green and fertile landscape. ...and many palm oil and rubber plantations. ...with strange rock outcrops in places. ...a lake between Kuala Lumpur & Butterworth.How to buy ticketsDo I need a reservation? Yes. All long-distance trains in...
By working together with EVe, we can better support Singapore’s growing EV population, and contribute our parts to the Singapore Green Plan 2030 agenda and beyond. We look forward to greater convenience for all EV users and a greener Singapore.”...