This is a special online concert, which brings about warmth and love between people through singing, especially during these uncertain COVID pandemic times. Since Shanghai and several other cities have been under lockdown, ...
周杰伦2018新加坡F1演唱会 歌单: 1.双截棍 2.无双 3.一路向北 4.稻香 5.青花瓷 6.牛仔很忙+水手怕水(with董姿彦) 7.听见下雨的声音(with董姿彦) 8.Come Fly With Me(董姿彦) 9.美人鱼+园游会 10.不爱我就拉倒 11.爱的飞行日记(杨瑞代)
化学 1/4 创建者:杰伦爱跑步 收藏 周杰伦 2018 新加坡F1演唱会 Jay Chou Formula 1 2018 Singapore Grand Prix Concert 1.1万播放 化学老师发出尖锐的爆鸣声 112.7万播放 《别把氢氧化氢当水喝了》 198.1万播放 【人教版】初中化学实验合集 178.9万播放 ...