What do you need to have before applying for an Employment Pass (EP)? What is the eligibility for an Employment Pass? Application Procedure and Timeline Jobs Bank Requirement What are the Documents Required for submission of an Employment Pass? What is the submission and timeline for an ...
Get Free Online Visa Assessment Today – Find out your visa eligibility based on your profile. Get Your Free Visa Eligibility Assessment Today! Unlock Your Journey to Singapore – Evaluate Your Visa Eligibility with Experts. Free Assessment!
How can you get a work visa in Singapore to be employed here? This can be a complex process depending on your situation and eligibility. Learn more with us!
Apply Online:Submit your EP renewal application online through the EP Online portal. You can apply as early as 6 months before your current pass expires. Eligibility:Ensure that you still meet the eligibility criteria, including the EP Qualifying Salary, to renew your pass. ...
Ready to Check Your EP Eligibility? If you are a foreign professional looking to work in Singapore, it is essential to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for an Employment Pass (EP). Our EP Eligibility Calculator simplifies this process, giving you a quick and accurate ...
Singapore residents need to adhere to specific guidelines when applying for an India visa online: Eligibility: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for the specific visa type you are applying for (tourism, business, medical, etc.). Documentation: A valid passport with at least six months of...
The Singapore Employment Pass (EP) complementarity assessment framework (COMPASS) has been introduced by the Ministry of Manpower to evaluate the eligibility of overseas applicants. Employers will be able to choose top-notch international professionals to work in Singapore due to the framework, which ...
Permanent Residency (PR) can be obtained on a five-year basis with renewals possible, provided you meet certain eligibility criteria such as economic status and education qualifications. PR status allows you unlimited entry and exit from Singapore and means you are essentially treated as a Singapore...
As per the eligibility criteria stated by the MoM, the applicant’s company must have either: Funding from an accredited source; Hold intellectual property (IP) registered with a recognized national IP institution; Research collaboration with a recognized institution; or ...
Eligibility criteria To be eligible for the new work pass, an applicant must meetany twoof the followingcriteria: Have a last drawn fixed monthly salary of at least S$20,000 (or its equivalent in any foreign currency) during the last 12 months. Candidates with annual income that cumulatively...