27 (Xinhua) -- The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has established a Corporate Governance Council to review the Code of Corporate Governance (CG Code), it announced on Monday. MAS said the Council will be chaired by former chairman of the Singapore Exchange, Chew Choon Seng. According ...
Code of Corporate Governance: Lessons from Singapore to ChinaCorporate GovernanceSingaporeChinaThis paper examines the latest Chinese Corporate Governance Code and Singapore Corporate Governance Code critically. It discusses the major differences betweenSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Further, Singapore-incorporated banks listed on the Singapore Exchange must adhere to the Code of Corporate Governance 2018 on a “comply-or-explain” basis. Under the BA and the CG Regulations, MAS’s approval is required for the appointment of key appointment holders (“KAH”) and directors ...
Singapore had to adopt a policy of open trade, because of its small size and lack of natural resources. Under such conditions it was expected that Corporate Governance in Singapore would evolve along the lines of US and UK. In the Post Asian scenario, Corporate Governance in practice and phil...
When the remuneration committee met, its chairman, Sarah Umm, reminded those present that the committee should comply with the guidance of the relevant code of corporate governance. She read out the section that she believed was most relevant to their discussions. 'A significant proportion of ...
Suppliers’ Code of Conduct These guidelines describe the standards of behaviour we expect from our suppliers when it comes to operations, social values, and the environment. They’re based on our business values, which are in keeping with the United Nations Global Compact related to Human Rights...
At the end of the report, we also find that corporate governance in Singapore is not an important factor in explaining the variation of firm value in the short run. Robustness checks are performed, showing that a number of alternative political connection variables produce similar results. 展开 ...
The Code aims to articulate key principles governing prudent commodity trade financing practices, underpinned by two key themes, namely: at a macro level, Lenders’ understanding of the corporate governance, risk management practices, business and transactions of a trader that obtains commod...
Does corporate governance matter, evidence from earnings management practices in Singapore Hu, Lingxu. Singapore Management University (Singapore) ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2011. 1494093.
This Code sets out general principles. Should there be questions related to the application of this Code, Directors should bring this to the attention of the Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of the Corporate Governance and Nominations Committee. Avoiding conflicts of interest Dire...