Sing-Box Routing Rules In the world of networking, routers play a crucial role in forwarding data packets from one network segment to another. Among various routing devices, Sing-Box stands out as a unique and innovative solution, offering flexible and customizable routing rules. The Sing-Box ro...
The Sing Box rules are designed to create a fun and engaging experience for participants. These rules ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to showcase their singing talents and enjoy the event. Let's take a closer look at some of these rules and how they contribute to a successful...
1、准备一台服务器并解析域名 解析域名:【】 放行端口或者禁用防火墙: ufw disable 2、申请证书 安装依赖包 apt update -y&&apt install -y curl&&apt install -y socat 安装证书申请程序 curl | sh -s 申请证书 ~/
.github .vscode scripts src/sbr .cspell.json .envrc .gitignore .pre-commit-config.yaml Makefile pyproject.toml pyrightconfig.json requirements-dev.lock requirements.lock Repository files navigation README sing-box-rules Describe your project here. License: MIT About...
net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 /etc/sing-box/config.json { "log": { "level": "error" }, "inbounds": [ { "tag": "0", "type": "tun", "interface_name": "tun0", "inet4_address": "" }, { "tag": "1", "type": "tun", ...
domainList="${domainList},$(jq -rc .route.rules[0].domain_regex[]"${singBoxConfigPath}${routingName}.json"|awk -F"[*]"'{print $2}'|paste -sd','|sed's/\\//g')" fi fi localrules= rules=$(initSingBoxRules"${domainList}""${routingName}") ...
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"rules": [ { "geosite": "cn", "server": "dnspod" }, { "geosite": "category-ads-all", "server": "block", "disable_cache": true } ] }, "inbounds": [ { "type": "tun", "tag": "tun-in", "interface_name": "utun", ...
"dns": { "servers": [ { "tag": "dns-direct", "address": "dhcp://auto", "detour": "out-direct" }, { "tag": "dns-proxy", "address": "tls://", "detour": "out-proxy" } ], "rules": [ { "outbound": "any", "server": "dns-direct" }, { "rule_set": "geo...