Sing When You're Winning豆瓣评分:9.0 简介:Sing When You're Winning is the third British solo album (fourth overall) by English pop singer Robbie Williams, released in 2000. Following his last album, I've Been Expecting You in 1998, and in the
Swing When You're Winning8.7 Escapology8.1 Greatest Hits8.9 Live at Knebworth9.3 Life Thru a Lens7.9 The Ego Has Landed8.8 Live at the Albert9.2 Rock DJ8.6 Eternity / The Road to Mandalay - E...9.0 "Sing When You're Winning"的论坛 ···...
Kids Taken From 'Sing When You're Winning' Duet with Kylie Minogue Me no bubbletious Me smoke heavy tar Me be groovin' slow
Rock DJ Taken From 'Sing When You're Winning' We were the floor show, kicking with your torso Boys getting high and the girls eve
Sing When You're Winning 9.2 Glee: The Music, The Graduation Al... 8.1 I've Been Expecting You 8.5 Escapology - Canadian Version (Di... 8.9 Fly/I Believe I Can Fly (Glee Cast V... 7.8 For My Parents [Analog] 8.4 Greatest Hits 8.8 I Will Always Love You (Glee Cast ...
《Sing When You’re Winning》专辑大获全胜,畅销全球,共发行六张单曲,《Rock DJ》荣获 MTV 欧洲音乐大奖2000年最佳歌曲、全英音乐奖年度最佳单曲、MTV 音乐录影带大奖最佳视觉效果;《Kid》 与 Kylie Minogue 合作,2000年两人在英国巡演,所到之处门票皆销售一空,真正威震八方。
专辑名:Sing When You're Winning (Explicit) 歌手:Robbie Williams 发行时间:2000-01-01 简介:创下全英年度最高狂卖纪录超冠军专辑全球无数奖项肯定 独一无二的流行天王罗比与华语天后林忆莲因歌结缘 中英两版合力诠释2000年最感人主打情歌Better Man 同时推荐全英冠军单曲Rock DJ.流行女王凯莉米洛破天荒合唱曲Ki...
在Apple Music 上收听Robbie Williams的《Sing When You're Winning》。2000年。13 首歌曲。时长:1 小时 15 分钟
在Apple Music 上收听Robbie Williams的《Sing When You're Winning》。2000年。13 首歌曲。时长:54 分钟