追蹤@Sing Tao Vancouver 《星島日報》溫哥華新聞,本地資訊 9月嘅時候Angela聯同星島日報及Neostrata 護膚專家舉辦了「秋季護膚網上互動教室」,反應熱烈,深受網民歡迎! Neostrata x Angela 教你冬季護膚 立即...
After opening Sing Tao Daily's first overseas office in San Francisco in 1975, the company set up International News Centers in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, London and Sydney. Currently, the company has twenty-two offices globally. Political Stance of Sing...
The inauguration of the collaboration was an exhibition held at ARTSPEAK gallery in Vancouver in March of 1997, as part of the programme for CITIES AT THE END OF TIME: HONG KONG 1997, which brought together artists and writers from Hong Kong, Canada and the U.S. to present works that ...
Vancouver Art Gallery (加拿大 Vancouver, BC) (1)(2)(1) Ismaïl Bahri (个展)02.22 - 04.04Selma Feriani Gallery (突尼斯 Sidi Bou Said) (13)(12) 奈德科·索拉科夫(NEDKO SOLAKOV)——艺术家-收藏者之梦(一件美事) (个展)02.22 - 05.10常青画廊(圣吉米那诺) (意大利 San Gimignano) (1)(10)(...