Expanded Bible (EXB) Bible Book List Font Size Psalm 96:1 Expanded Bible Praise for the Lord’s Glory 96Sing to theLorda new song[C celebrating victory;33:3;40:3;98:1;144:9;149:1;Is. 42:10;Rev. 5:9;14:3]; sing to theLord, all the earth. ...
-, 视频播放量 209、弹幕量 0、点赞数 9、投硬币枚数 3、收藏人数 4、转发人数 0, 视频作者 maonan998, 作者简介 志趣相投,就来看看,跳舞是小爱好~~,相关视频:一曲寄明月,千里共婵娟 | 元宵佳节,共舞团圆(帝都8人正机位ver.),【西译新年音乐会】☾ ⋆⁺₊
Expanded Bible (EXB) Bible Book List Font Size Psalm 119:54-56 Expanded Bible 54I sing about your ·demands[statutes; ordinances; requirements] ·wherever I live[L in the house of my dwelling]. 55Lord, I remember ·you[L your name]at night, ...
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Store Expanded Bible (EXB) Bible Book List Font Size Ezekiel 19 Expanded Bible A Sad Song for Israel 19“Sing a ·funeral song[lament; dirge]for the ·leaders[princes]of Israel.2Say: ‘Your mother was a lioness[C referring either to the Davidic dynasty or to Hamutal, the wife of Jo...
19 “Sing a ·funeral song [lament; dirge] for the ·leaders [princes] of Israel. 2 Say: ‘Your mother was a lioness [C referring either to the Davidic dynasty or to Hamutal, the wife of Josiah and mother of Jehoahaz and Zedekiah; Gen. 49:9; 2 Kin. 23:31–34].She lay dow...
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