shole zard shomu tenno shon wool shone in your eyes shonnard shoo-young yoo shoojo-ai shoora shoot fish in a barre shoot her shoot it out shoot myself to love shoot ogawa shooter ltd shooting foul frequen shooting mat shooting on group shooting pain shooting parameter shooting practice shooti...
When I fall in love 无尽 头的热情 你所拥有着 ( All ) stolen my soul.stolen my heart.nai a nai ku dai ga nao mu nao no qio. [All]Stolen my soul Stolen my heart我心里的你过于满溢 根本无法呼吸了 (HERO ) :sa la su xi nu nai ga nen ge jilin you,nai mu ma lai ji ma la ...
#朴炡禹天才主唱# 🎤 #朴炡禹肩宽富人# 【瓢首录屏】210707 Shopee炡禹相关片段 🎵 I LOVE YOU |ORANGE |GOING CRAZY ➕ 采访片段cut 采访部分 Q:哪位成员最常负责下厨?🐺:首先 我其实和MASHIHO哥志焄哥同宿舍。我和MASHIHO哥很常一起吃饭,他经常煮鍋料理(日式)或炒饭之类的,每次都下厨 然后我们一起...
The song aims at those individuals that call women who get surgery as plastic monsters. The group also showed off their changes in Gangnam which is considered the plastic surgery mecca of Korea. Narsha is seen lying down on the bed pre-surgery and has lines drawn on her face. The fact th...