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However, it does increase the size of Jigglypuff's ledge-grab box. Timing of this move is crucial, as the duration of the sleep is short - meaning that opponents who fall asleep at the beginning may wake up before Jigglypuff finishes singing if they are at a low damage percent. This ...
最好用的 sing-box 一键安装脚本 & 管理脚本,自动创建 REALITY 协议;支持 TUIC,Trojan,Hysteria2 等所有常见的协议 - Home · 233boy/sing-box Wiki
Multi-platform auto-proxy client, supporting Sing-box, X-ray, TUIC, Hysteria, Reality, Trojan, SSH etc. It’s an open-source, secure and ad-free. - hiddify/hiddify-app
本教程合集偏向于实操,基础配置的搭载内核和 Wiki 文档对应关系如下表: 搭载内核mihomo 内核sing-box PuerNya 版内核sing-box 内核 Wiki 文档https://wiki.metacubex.onehttps://sing-boxp.dustinwin.top/zhhttps://sing-box.sagernet.org/zh 对geodata 和 ruleset 方案的说明 ...
“修改 sing-box 内核版本判断”是根据 sing-box 内核 v1.8.0 更新日志 和sing-box wiki/rule_set 得知从该版本开始支持规则集 rule_set 而修改 将mihomo 内核和 sing-box 内核的配置文件进行了格式化,脚本自身格式没有格式化 仅HTTP 协议使用嗅探结果作为实际访问修改...
Advanced Subscription Manager for QX, Loon, Surge, Stash, Egern and Shadowrocket! - feat: sing-box includeUnsupportedProxy 开启支持 Hysteria2 端口跳跃 · sub-store-org/Sub-Store@3aedd59
本教程合集偏向于实操,基础配置的搭载内核和 Wiki 文档对应关系如下表: 搭载内核mihomo 内核sing-box PuerNya 版内核sing-box 内核 Wiki 文档 https://wiki.metacubex.one https://sing-boxp.dustinwin.top/zh https://sing-box.sagernet.org/zh 对geodata 和 ruleset 方案的说明 geodata 方案更适用于路由...
sing-box.sagernet.orgとsing-box.orgのトラフィック分析を比較し、なぜsing-box.sagernet.orgは プログラミングおよび開発者ソフトウェアカテゴリで0位にランク付けされ、sing-box.orgが 2395299位なのか、その理由を無料でご確認ください-ここをクリックしてください
A multi-platform proxy client based onSing-boxuniversal proxy tool-chain. Hiddify offers a wide range of capabilities, like automatic node selection, TUN mode, remote profiles etc. Hiddify is ad-free and open-source. With support for a wide range of protocols, it provides a secure and priv...