1992年,Sinead O’Connor 为了抗议罗马天主教性侵儿童的丑闻,在"Saturday Night Live"中唱了一首Bob Marley的《War》,然后拿出教宗照片大喊"Fight the real enemy!"并撕毁了教宗的照片。两周之后,Sinead O’Connor出现在Bob Dylan在麦迪逊广场花园举行的30周年音乐会上
but never obtained. And everywhere is war. Until the ignoble and unhappy regime which holds all of us through, child-abuse, yeah, child-abuse yeah, sub-human bondage has been toppled, utterly destroyed, everywhere is war. war in the east, war in the west, war up north, war down south...
Sinead O‘Connor面对观众的“嘘”声,不顾一切大声的喊出了“War”的歌词时,她在我心里成了永恒的神!🙏 http://t.cn/A6AVr8uF
Sinead O’Connor的简明信仰史 【信仰】 1992年10月3日,正是她最当红的时候,在直播电视节目Saturday Night Live的现场表演中,献唱Bob Dylan的《War》,作为对罗马天主教会性侵事件的抗议,歌词唱到“邪恶”(evil)之时,她拿出教皇约翰保罗二世的照片,并当众撕毁,将碎片洒向摄影镜头。 全场惊呆,没有人鼓掌,也没有...
Thirty-one years ago, after a haunting rendition of Bob Marley’s song “War,” O’Connor ripped up a photograph of Pope John Paul II on live television. “Fight the real enemy,” she said – a reference toclerical sex abuse. For months afterward, she was banned,booed and mocked, dism...
没有, 没有 You're 修筑墙壁 得到打破它下来 开始再 不, 没有, 没有 它won't 发生在我们身上 We've 居住我们的生活 基本we've 是好人 如此停止谈话战争 您知道的起因we've 以前听见了它全部 为什么don't 您出去那里 并且做有用事 噢听人在酒店 他叫喊"anybody 想要喝在war?" 之前; "Any...
著名爱尔兰女歌手 Sinead O’Connor 于当地时间7月26日去世,享年56岁。目前尚未公布死因。在她的职业生涯中,一直都在于心理健康问题作斗争,最后一次是去年她的儿子去世之后。 Sinead O’Connor 于1966年12月8日出生,在五个孩子中排行老三。她在一个破碎的家庭中长大,据她说在小时候受到了父母双方的虐待,经常受到...
O’Connor writes she’s ‘at a hotel, somewhere in Ireland, under another name.’ PHOTOS It’s War! 23 Of The Biggest Music Feuds Of All Time Here are the 23 biggest music feuds of all time! PHOTOS Silent No More! 22 Celebrities Who Have Battled Depression ...
在线看Sinead O'Connorr - War (Bob Dylan: The 30th.. 4分钟。13 3月 2020的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 76 — 已浏览。 2 — 已评价。
Sinead O’Connor David Corio/Redferns The musician experienced her fair share of ups and downs throughout her singing career. When she performed her now-famous rendition of Bob Marley’s “War” on Saturday Night Live in 1992 as an act of protest against the Catholic Church, she held up a...