Sine Wave Generator 3.0 官方版 软件大小:155 KB 软件语言:简体中文 更新时间:2024-08-07 授权:免费软件 适用平台:Win8,Win7,WinXP 推荐度:6分 无病毒 点击查看大图 软件介绍 BIP Sine Wave Generator 是一款十分小巧的数字式正弦波信号发生器工具软件,可任意设定输出值,精度很高。
Sine Wave Generator,SineWaveGenerator(正弦波信号发生程序)是一款十分专业的正弦波信号发生器。你是不是在找功能强大的正弦波信号发生软件?绿色先锋小编为你推荐SineWaveGenerator官方版。包含TESTBENCH文件,可以输出时钟和复位信...
BIP Sine Wave Generator官方版是一款操作简单的数字式正弦波信号发生器,BIP Sine Wave Generator官方版可任意设定输出值,因此软件精度很高。BIP Sine Wave Generator官方版包含TESTBENCH文件,因此可以输出时钟、复位信号和设定输出值,软件是正弦波研究中比较常用的一款软件。
Sine wave generatorJR. PAUL E. EBERSOLEUS2960655 * Nov 21, 1958 Nov 15, 1960 Ebersole Jr Paul E Sine wave generator
iPhone iPad Description App this app to generate a sine wave Generation mode is three 1.Touch Generate a sine wave to calculate the frequency and volume from the position of the touch the screen. get 5 touch events at the same time. ...
正弦波信号发生器(Sine Wave Generator),正弦波是频率成分最为单一的一种信号,因这种信号的波形是数学上的正弦曲线而得名。任何复杂信号——例如音乐信号,都可以看成由许许多多频率不同、大小不等的正弦波复合而成。BIP Sine Wave Generator 是一款十分小巧的数字式正弦波
App this app to generate a sine wave Generation mode is three 1.Touch Generate a sine wave to calculate the frequency and volume from the position of the…
Made by Hugo Export
App this app to generate a sine wave Generation mode is three 1.Touch Generate a sine wave to calculate the frequency and volume from the position of the touch the screen. get 5 touch events at the same time. 2.DTMF Generating a tone signal to be used by the phone. 3.Multi Generating...
Re: Verilog AMS sine generator Reply #2 - Today at 1:03am Hi , I have created a wrapper around my .vams netlist of an anlog circuit. I want to drive a signal as