Tipo: villa con 18.900 habitantes Categoría: localidad Ubicación: Malwan, Distrito de Sindhudurg, Distrito de Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India occidental, India, Asia del Sur, Asia Ver en OpenStreetMapLatitud16,0606° o 16° 3' 38" norte Longitud73,467° o 73° 28' 1" este ...
Later visit Sunami Island, Dhamapur Lake, Ganesh mandir and Rock garden. Themes Kayaking Day 3 : Tarkarli - Sindhudurg fort Visit Sindhudurg Fort, In 1664-67 AD, Shivaji Maharaj erected this fort on 48 acres of island. Shivaji Maharaj personally selected this site, a rocky island (Kurte)...
Toposheets were usedfor preparing a base map. GPS positions were marked at each locationof measurement while surveying. Recorded data were cross-verified andcompared with MMB bathymetric charts. Geometrically corrected Landsatimageries from 1991鈥 2022 were used and extraction of the coastlines was...
View on map Cabin/Campground 3 reviews 6.2 miles from Shiroda By Sandeep D "The place is very friendly and you will..." Love Temple Wellness Beach Resort Show prices Enter dates to see prices View on map Cabin/Campground 41 reviews 6.4 miles from Shiroda By Devina M "One of the...
The water samples in the study region have been categorized from excellent to good, according to the water quality index map. Vengurla and Vadakhol have water quality index ratings of 25 and 26.23, respectively indicating the maximum value of the water quality index in the study area. The ...
geochemical mapstream sedimentgeochemical anomalytrace elementsstatistical analysisSindhudurgMaharashtraGeological mapping (1:25,000) and stream sediment sampling (I km x I km grid) were carried out simultaneously in parts of Sindhudurg district, Maharashtra during the year 2001-02. The area is ...
Materials and Methods: Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness used to map blindness pattern in the district. Statistical analysis: SPSS version 19. Results: Amongst those examined 1415 (51.7%) had visual acuity (VA) >20/60, 924 (33.8%, confidence interval (C.I) 30.5%-36.8%) had VA 20/...
Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness used to map blindness pattern in the district. Statistical analysis: SPSS version 19. Amongst those examined 1415 (51.7%) had visual acuity (VA) >20/60, 924 (33.8%, confidence interval (C.I) 30.5%-36.8%) had VA 20/200-<20/60(visual...