Por miedo a perder su trono cuando Shao Kahn conquistó el reino, Sindel decidió traicionar a su marido y a su pueblo para mantener su posición privilegiada. Ahora que se ha convertido en mujer de Shao Kahn y Reina del Mundo Exterior, disfruta de un poder y de una riqueza inimaginable...
La antigua reina de Edenia no se detendrá ante nada para mantener su puesto. Al sentir que su trono estaba en peligro cuando Shao Kahn conquistó su reino, Sindel traicionó a su esposo y a su pueblo para conservar su posición de privilegio. Ahora como
Konten ini diblokir MASUKKAN TANGGAL LAHIR ANDA Deskripsi The former Queen of Edenia will stop at nothing to keep her place. When threatened with the loss of her throne when Shao Kahn conquered her realm, Sindel betrayed her husband, and her people, to keep her privileged position. Now Shao...
The former Queen of Edenia will stop at nothing to keep her place. Sindel betrayed her husband, and her people, to keep her privileged position. Now Shao Kahn's wife and Queen of Outworld, she enjoys power and wealth beyond most people's imagination.
Sindel has traditionally been presented as a sympathetic pawn caught in Shao Kahn's conquests, butinitial informationhas recast her as a traitor to King Jerrod and the people of Edenia, having married the Emperor to maintain a life of privilege. It remains to be seen if Mortal Kombat 11's ...
Lorsqu'elle était menacée de perdre son trône alors que Shao Kahn prenait possession de royaume, Sindel choisit de trahir son mari et son peuple, pour garder son poste privilégié. Devenue femme de Shao Kahn et reine de l'Outre-Monde, elle jouit du pouvoir et de la richesse plus ...
When threatened with the loss of her throne when Shao Kahn conquered her realm, Sindel betrayed her husband, and her people, to keep her privileged position. Now Shao Kahn's wife and Queen of Outworld, she enjoys power and wealth beyond most people's imagination. Good luck to anyone who ...
The former Queen of Edenia will stop at nothing to keep her place. When threatened with the loss of her throne when Shao Kahn conquered her realm, Sindel betrayed her husband, and her people, to keep her privileged position. Now Shao Kahn's wife and Queen of Outworld, she enjoys power ...
Shao Kahn onun bölgesini fethederek tahtını kaybetmekle yüz yüze getirince, Sindel ayrıcalıklı konumunu korumak için kocasına ve halkına ihanet etti. Şimdi Shao Kahn'ın karısı ve Outworld Kraliçesi olarak gücün ve akıllara zarar bir zengin...
The former Queen of Edenia will stop at nothing to keep her place. When threatened with the loss of her throne when Shao Kahn conquered her realm, Sindel betrayed her husband, and her people, to keep her privileged position. Now Shao Kahns wife and Queen