3. 形容情感: She expressed her sincere gratitude for their kindness. (她对他们的善意表达了真诚的感谢。) He felt a sincere sense of joy at the news. (听到这个消息,他感到了一种真诚的喜悦。) 4. 形容表达: Please accept my sincere condolences on your loss. (请接受我对...
sincer, Sincere是“sincere"到 加泰罗尼亚文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:I came to offer our sincere condolences for your loss. ↔ T'ofereixo el nostre sincer condol per la teva pèrdua. sincere adjective 语法 earnest; meaning what one says or does; truthful. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-加泰...
First of all: Oursincere condolencesfor your painful loss. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Mysincere condolencesto both you and your client's family. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 I also must present mysincere condolencesupon his bereavement. UN-2 I would like to offer mysincere condolencesto the family and friends ...
... 9.Please accept my sincere condolences.请接受我诚挚的悼念。 10. plead or ask for earnestly. 恳求或者诚挚地请求。 ... www.haodic.com|基于4个网页 3. 真诚的哀悼 英文学习完全手册 ... - I write this with a heavy heart( 沉重心情). -Please accept my sincere condolences(真诚的哀悼)....
President, I wish to ask the delegation of El Salvador to transmit to its Government and the noble people of that country the renewal of our sincere feelings of condolences and solidarity for the painful loss of human life and our commitment to continue collaborating in the efforts of ...
you apologize just to show that you’re sorry something happened to someone you love. An example is when a friend or family member is grieving a loss. Unless you were directly involved in the death of their loved one, saying “I’m sorry for your loss” isn’t something that would impl...
First of all: Our sincere condolences for your painful loss. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 My sincere condolences to both you and your client's family. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 I also must present my sincere condolences upon his bereavement. UN-2 I would like to offer my sincere condolences to the fam...
President, I wish to ask the delegation of El Salvador to transmit to its Government and the noble people of that country the renewal of our sincere feelings of condolences and solidarity for the painful loss of human life and our commitment to continue collaborating in the efforts of ...