But she said it in Hindi. Oh, she’s not that kind of Indian? Now, the GloboLeftElite is cherry picking their pet GloboLeftistElite judges to give the most nonsensical rulings in the history of American jurisprudence: one ruled that even invalid and illegal payments had to continue, anot...
Sometimes I feel like a retired MI6 agent,looking for hidden meaning and toxic residue in everything we are served on our pixel platters. And I don’t just mean ice cubes. (Hey, just for larks, and speaking of things made of ice, did you know that the Baskin Robbins logo hides in p...
Finally, by analyzing youth films according to specific themes, this dissertation explains how the South Korean media represent youth culture and the meaning(s) produced by representing youth culture through the popular media. This research ultimately aims to explore how youth consumes and negotiates ...