Writing for The New Statesmen, Amelia Tait laid out the very real confusion housed in certain parts of Reddit, wherein people with firm memories of a movie called Shazam starring Sinbad have shared their stories and have tried to work out what it means that no evidence for it exists. Some...
SHAZAMM 传了一个片段到 YOUTUBE 视频名 We Found Sinbad's SHAZAAM Genie Movie 这个电影中好几处 细节 都证明曼德拉效应是真的 我希望 你们谁有兴趣的可以和我交流 看视频中报纸上 印着 Nelson Mandela Dead 53327 北美票房榜吧 日理万姬👹 【TNABO】“辛巴达历险记”将拍新电影 分享177 美剧吧 不觉456 ...