We Found Sinbad's SHAZAAM Genie Movie! SHAZAAM 这部存在于很多老外记忆中的电影 视频片段中出现了很大曼德拉效应证据 在IDMB可以找到We Found Sinbad's SHAZAAM Genie Movie! 的演员名单和拍摄现场的2张照片 这个影片是2017拍摄的算是一个笑话 不能作为证明曼德拉效应的证据 但还是有很多老外说90年代看过Sinbad主...
We Found Sinbad's SHAZAAM Genie Movie! SHAZAAM 这部存在于很多老外记忆中的电影 视频中出现了很多曼德拉效应证据 在IMDB可以找到We Found Sinbad's SHAZAAM Genie Movie! 演员名单和拍摄现场的2张照片 这个影片是2017拍摄的 愚人节笑话 不能作为证明曼德拉效应的证据 但还是有很大老外说90年代看过Sinbad主演的...
In 2017, Sinbad mocked the conspiratorial tone some have taken with their Shazaameries, joking in a radio interview that he considers the not-real production "one of my favorite movies." He further joked that he made the film because he needed "cash for crack" at the time, as seen in t...
Me to me: It was Sinbad in Shazaam, bitch! pic.twitter.com/V0BU3FaZbj— Max Weiss (@maxthegirl) December 22, 2016 I am so perplexed by the fact that, apparently, Sinbad (@sinbadbad) did *NOT* do a genie movie in the mid 90s. Yes, I know Kazaam is not it— ジョナサン (...
A popular internet theory holds that actor David Adkins, better known as the comedian Sinbad, played a genie in a popular children's movie released sometime in the 1990s called "Shazaam." Advertisement: The movie Shazaam, from the 1990s, staring Sinbad was never a real movie. Myself and th...
he was ever cast as a genie –“Have you noticed no one my age has seen this so called Sinbad Genie movie, only you people who were kids in the 90’s. The young mind,” hetweetedin September – but that didn’t stop the comedian from reviving theShazaammyth for April Fools’ ...
Sinbad's "Shazaam" movie was actually never written, filmed, produced, or completed in any form.There is no physical evidence of Sinbad ever appearing in the supposed film, but it is incredibly similar to NBA Hall of Famer Shaquille O'Neal's role in the genie movieKazaam, which was releas...
‘Shazaam’ Is Real: College Humor ‘Finds’ Long-Lost Sinbad Genie Movie That Doesn’t Actually Exist Not to be confused with "Kazaam," which is actually real. By Michael Nordine April 2, 2017 1:05 pm Features Sinbad’s ’Shazaam’: Inside the Internet’s Conspiracy Theory About a Non...
SHAZAAM Genie Movie 这个电影中好几处 细节 都证明曼德拉效应是真的 我希望 你们谁有兴趣的可以和我交流 看视频中报纸上 印着 Nelson Mandela Dead 53327 北美票房榜吧 日理万姬👹 【TNABO】“辛巴达历险记”将拍新电影 分享177 美剧吧 不觉456 【2013新闻整合贴 —— 03.04-03.10】※※欢迎各位来到百度美剧...