We Found Sinbad's SHAZAAM Genie Movie!SHAZAAM 这部存在于很多老外记忆中的电影视频中出现了很多曼德拉效应证据在IMDB可以找到We Found Sinbad's SHAZAAM Genie Movie!演员名单和拍摄现场的2张照片这个影片是2017拍摄的 愚人节笑话 不能作为证明曼德拉效应的证据
关于We Found Sinbad's SHAZAAM Genie Movie! We Found Sinbad's SHAZAAM Genie Movie! SHAZAAM 这部存在于很多老外记忆中的电影 视频片段中出现了很大曼德拉效应证据 在IDMB可以找到We Found Sinbad's SHAZAAM Genie Movie! 的演员名单和拍摄现场的2张照片 这个影片是2017拍摄的算是一个笑话 不能作为证明曼德拉效应...
There has been a lot of speculation among many '90s kids and millennials who claim to remember Sinbad starring in a movie called "Shazaam" in which he was believed to play a genie. Often used as pseudo-evidence of the Mandala Effect phenomenon, Sinbad's "Shazaam" movie was actually never ...
no still shots documenting its creation, no news articles or movie reviews mentioning it, it has no entry in the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), andSinbadhimself has stated that he never played a genie in a movie calledShazaam— many people still they remember seeing the...