SINAMICS S List Manual (LH1), 07/2007 故障与报警 故障与报警列表 3.2 故障和报警列表 产品:SINAMICS ,版本:2503100,语言:英语 F01000 内部软件故障 驱动单元: 所有设备 故障动作: OFF2停车 故障确认: 重新上电 原因: 发生了一个内部的软件故障 故障值 (r0949 ,十六进制表示): 仅用于西门子内部解决故障。
(see SINAMICS S120/S150 List Manual) p1744 Motor model speed threshold stall detection p1745 Motor model fault threshold value stall detection p1755 Motor model without encoder, changeover speed p1756 Motor model changeover speed hysteresis p2178 Motor stalled delay time 调试时将绞车停滞延迟时间P...
驱动器的简单 联网和级联 (MAS 26) 控制单元 CU240E V3.1 参数 下载到 CU240S V3.0 的三种 方法 SINAMICS G120 / G120C / G120P / G120D: 当设定值为 0 时,电机不能运行在最小 频率 SINAMICS G120 (CU 2x0x): Is there a fault list that can be quickly integrated into configuration software ...
390 控制单元的报文 报文对控制单元的控制包括以下功能: Ü Synchronization 用来同步主从的系统时间 Ü Acknowledge fault 确认系统故障 Ü Master sign of life 主站通讯监控 Ü Set signal source for terminal 定义数字端子功能 391 控制单元的报文,支持探针 自由报文 999 是一种自由的报文,在选择此报文结构...
SINAMICS驱动器S120报F30021的维修方案:F30021,GroundFault接地故障。这是一个常见故障,尤其是S120书本型设备。 动力回路:电网--变频器--电缆--电机,整体都是浮地的,不能与大地接通。 在TN/TT电网中,如果变频器内部、电机电缆或者电机自身对地(Ground,PE)接通,那么会产生很大漏电流,会触发F30021。一般在设备绝缘...
Once the cause of the fault has been eliminated (e.g. cooling has been improved), the original operating values are automatically resumed. Technical specifications The most important directives and standards are listed below. These are used as the basis for the SINAMICS S120 built-in units in ...
分别为:应用基础手册2SINAMICSS120驱动器基础应该手册为手册的第二部分,介绍了西门子SINAMICS系列S120伺服驱动器的组成部件、项目配置、基本调试、电机优化、基本系列手册仅适用于西门子工程师交流学习及相关客户培训之用。由于编者水平有限,手册中难免出现纰漏之处,恳请广大SLCIDTMCSolution2010-SINAMICSS120概 SINAMICSS120...
SINAMICS S120 Chassis Format Converter Units Chassis-2 Format Converter Units Cabinet Modules, Cabinet Modules-2 SINAMICS S150 Converter Cabinet Units E86060-K5521-A131-A7-7600 DC motors Sizes 160 to 630 31.5 kW to 1610 kW D 21.3 DA 12 E86060-K5312-A101-A2-7600 DC motors Engineering ...
intheexpertlistarenotdisyed correctlyinsomecases.Thevalue inindex0isapplicable. AIfthefaultF03505CU:ogIfthefaultF03505CU:oginputwirebreakageispropagatedtoNone.4.5 inputwirebreakageispropagatedanotherdriveobject,thenitisorrectlydisyedthereasF03505TM: ...
It is an integral component of the SINAMICS S120 firmware. Every PC capable of going online with a browser is able to execute functions, for example: n Configuration download n Firmware update n Status overview of the drive n Alarm and fault message evaluation n Parameter setting monitoring and...