这些函数的倒数分别被称为余割(\displaystyle\csc或cosec)、正割(\displaystyle\sec)和余切(\displaystyle\cot): \displaystyle\cscA=\frac1\sin A=\fracca, \displaystyle\secA=\frac1\cos A=\fraccb, \displaystyle\cotA=\frac1\tan A=\frac\cos A\sin A=\fracba. 正弦定理 勾股定理 角 代数 单位...
Find and rewrite \sin 4\theta using a double angle formula. Prove that (1 + sin(x))/(1 - sin(x)) = (sec(x) + tan(x))^2. Simplify: (sin x/cos x)^2 - 1/(cos^2 x). Simplify the following: (cos(x))/(1 + sin(x)) + (cos(x))/(1 - sin(x)) Prove that t...
Write the function below as an expression involving the function of theta. tan(pi/4 - theta) Substitute x=2tan theta into square root of x^2+4, then simplify. Solve 5\sin^2 \theta -11\sin \theta + 2=0 Change the ...
很明显,我不是在讨论简单的逆sin、cos和tan,因为它们都是由Math类提供的。我要找的是sec,cosec和cotan的倒数: Func<double,double> secant = (d => (1 / Math.Cos(d))); Func<double,double> cosecant = (d => (1 / Math.Sin(d))); Func<double,double> cotangent = (d => (Math.Cos(d)...
displaystylecos²theta+sin²theta=1. The other trigonometric functions can be found along the unit circle as displaystyletantheta=yₘₐₜₕᵣₘBquad and displaystylequadcottheta=xₘₐ...
Theta constant 在数学中,θ 常数或 Thetanullwert' 是具有有理特征 m 到 z = 0 的θa 函数 θm 的极限 θm = θm。变量 τ 可以是上半平面中的复数,在这种情况下,θ 常数是模形式,或者更一般地说,可能是 Siegel 上半平面的一个元素,在这种情况下,θ 常数是 Siegel 模形式。晶格的 theta ...