To be slothful isto be lazy. ... Slothful people tend to sleep too much and lie around on the couch. Being slothful at work could get you fired, and slothful students won't do well at school. The furry kind of sloth is slow due to its nature, but a slothful person should get a ...
It is not then the gravity of the vice in itself that makes it capital but rather the fact that it gives rise to many other sins. These are enumerated by St. Thomas (I-II, Q. lxxxiv, a. 4) as vainglory (pride), avarice, gluttony, lust, sloth, envy, anger. St. Bonaventure (...
as well as of all our failures and shortcomings in our strivings after conformity to his law. We speak to him of sloth and selfishness, of worldliness
(3)lust, or inordinate or illicit sexual desire, (4)envy, (5)gluttony, which is usually understood to include drunkenness, (6)wrath, or anger, and (7)sloth. Each of these can be overcome with theseven heavenly virtuesof (1)humility,(2)charity, (3)chastity, (4)gratitude, (5)...