愤怒之罪——梅利奥达斯(Dragon's Sin of Wrath) 贪婪之罪——班(Fox's Sin of Greed) 嫉妒之罪——黛安(Serpent's Sin of Envy) 怠惰之罪——金(Grizzly's Sin of Sloth) 色欲之罪——高瑟(Goat's Sin of Lust) 暴食之罪——玛琳(Boar's Sin of Gluttony) 傲慢之罪——艾斯卡诺(Lion's Sin of...
Throughout Se7en, the sins oflust (prostitute), gluttony (the obese man), greed (the lawyer), sloth (drug dealer/child molester) and pride (model)are each punished by death (Quick side-note: I'm going to put it out there and declare that Se7en's sins are the greatest Macguffin in m...