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A compound herbal formula, Kuan-Sin-Yin (KSY) decoction had been used to “reinforce the healthy qi” in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory and it was widely used to treat the dysfunctional gastrointestinal symptoms and chronic fatigue syndrome. In clinical trial study, KSY improved the ...
SIN KANG TCM CLINIC(PL) PTE. LTD.及SIN KANG TCM CLINIC PTE. LTD. 之100%股權 2.事實發生日:111/8/4~111/8/10 3.交易數量、每單位價格及交易總金額: 本次取得股權之70% 交易總金額:SGD 2,450仟元(NTD 52,438仟元) 4.交易相對人及其與公司之關係(交易相對人如屬自然人,且非公司之 關係人者,...