Another sound came to her ears, above the roar of the city, above the chorus of the buttons. A falling and rising wail. The sirens were sounding once more, warning of some imminent danger, some malign cruelty screaming through the air toward them. This time, she knew, it wouldn’t be ...
Big City AmbienceAlex_Jauk 0:00 0:30 Efecto de sonido Ciudad, Tráfico, Atestado. De uso gratuito. Comentarios La comunidad tiene ganas de que les digas algo Inicia sesión o únete a Pixabay para ver comentarios ciudadtráficoatestadogentetranvíatrentransportecarrosvehiculos ...
Based on the need to apply a sound, contextualized theory-based model to provide in-depth explanations about the production and reproduction of the kinship process within the Kenyan cultural and charitable children’s institutional context, we explicitly applied a symbolic interactionist theoretical framew...