首先进入西米奥(SIMYO)荷兰官网,在顶部点击eSIM,然后选择预付Bestel Prepaid met eSIM。 选择最低的7.5+eSIM卡板,实际只需扣款5欧元,然后点击确认选择 再选择eSIM,随便选择手机品牌和手机型号,不需要去验证IMEI,然后继续下一步。 选择需要新号码,或者转入已有的荷兰其它运营商号码。第一次办理荷兰号码的都选择需要新...
Prepaid esim has been deactivated, apparently emails were sent which ended in spam while commercial emails were not.It does not make any sense to send emails instead of sms or both, it is like Simyo wants you to pay twice.Phone provider not using the phone services for key notifications is...
Every other eSIM company delivers the activation QR within minutes of a successful payment and you are online within 10mins. After 2 calls to customer service and 14 hours after the transaction I have received nothing. When you get to Spain just buy a physical prepaid SIM card from a ...
视频介绍了一张欧洲的手机卡,内容包括如何购买这张eSIM,如何安装eSIM,如何充值余额,eSIM丢失/更换设备怎么办,如何联系客服,以及一些保号注意事项。知识 财经商业 欧洲 保号卡 esim 评论265 最热 最新 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 发布 涂山晏 置顶SIMYO邀请:https://vriendendeal.simyo.nl/prepaid/AxMv6Vb...
estk教程,学会电脑上买第一张esim(必须写,以后就可以直接手机上读写卡卡) Caesar_1988 00:49 香港手机卡免实名,0月租,可注册海内外APP,全国可用,旅行留学必备。 3HK港卡 01:09 estk读卡器如何使用,电脑写号第一步 Caesar_1988 18:19 荷兰Simyo申请教程,最佳保号esim卡。
esim 请先后发表评论 (・ω・) 置顶SIMYO邀请:https://vriendendeal.simyo.nl/prepaid/AxMv6Vb 官网充值:https://www.simyo.nl/prepaid/opwaarderen 2024-04-26 22:43 12 涂山仙狐小葵 你好,涂山,我用5ber抓取二维码,显示没信号,是因为没有用APP激活吗,还是什么的,不会魔法 ...