These results also may have important implications for interpretation of resting baseline in fMRI studies.Robin I. GoldmanJohn M. SternJerome Engel, JrMark S. CohenotherGoldman, R.I., Stern, J.M., Engel, J., Jerome, Cohen, M.S., 2002. Simultaneous EEG and fMRI of the alpha rhythm. ...
Acquisition of electroencephalogram (EEG) during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) provides an additional monitoring tool for the analysis of brain state fluctuations. The exploration of brain responses following inputs or in the context of state changes is crucial for a better understanding ...
This can be interpreted as indicating that planning of movement is accompanied by a desynchronization of central mu rhythm and a generation of 40 Hz oscillations. 展开 关键词: Keywords Finger movement Event-related desynchronization 40 Hz EEG Cortical activation ...
The exploratory analyses reveal significant changes in hemispheric lateralities of upper alpha and high-beta current source densities in the prefrontal regions, consistent with upregulation of the FAA and FBA during the rtfMRI-EEG-nf task. Similar laterality changes are observed for current source ...
Here, using fMRI, we mapped spontaneous changes in cerebral activity as identified by the EEG. These results support the hypothesis that the alpha rhythm represents a state of decreased afferent input associated with neocortical synchronization that is driven by the thalamus, and are the first fMRI...
Correlating the alpha rhythm to BOLD using simultaneous EEG/fMRI: inter-subject variability. Neuroimage 2006;30:203-213. [PubMed: 16290018]Goncalves SI, de Munck JC, Pouwels PJ, Schoonhoven R, Kuijer JP, Maurits NM, Hoogduin JM, Van Someren EJ, Heethaar RM, Lopes da Silva FH (2006):...
After collecting simultaneous resting-state EEG-functional magnetic resonance imaging data, the effect of rhythm modulations on FC was explored using what we term "dynamic rhythm information." We also investigated the synergistic relationships among three networks under rhythm modulation conditions, where ...
Real-time fMRI neurofeedback (rtfMRI-nf) with simultaneous EEG recordings is a promising neuromodulation approach that allows volitional regulation of blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) activity of a target brain region and investigation of related electrophysiological activity. We discuss application...
P19-12 The reticular activating system is associated with spontaneous fluctuations of alpha rhythm: a simultaneous EEG/fMRI studydoi:10.1016/s1388-2457(10)60890-5S. KanT. KoikeT. UeharaS. TobimatsuS. MiyauchiElsevier BV
P19-12 The reticular activating system is associated with spontaneous fluctuations of alpha rhythm: a simultaneous EEG/fMRI studyRecently, modular organization of intrinsic brain networks has been revealed by the graph theoretical analysis of resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI). In this paper, we...