下面是一个示例,展示了如何在状态机中使用`after`语句: ``` state State1 entry: after(2) //在进入State1之后延迟2秒执行的动作 disp('Action after 2 seconds'); during: //状态1的行为 exit: //状态1的退出行为 state State2 entry: //状态2的进入行为 during: //状态2的行为 ``` 在上述示例中...
默认情况下,Stateflow chart 突出显示当前的活动状态,并将模型运行时发生的状态转换动画化。这个特性对调试很有用,但它会减慢仿真速度。要加速仿真,请关闭所有Stateflow chart或禁用动画。同样,如果您正在使用Simulink 3D Animation™、SimMechanics™可视化、FlightGear或其他3D动画包,请考虑禁用动画或降低场景保真度以...
After duration— Stop logging after the specified number of seconds have passed since logging started. Click on the value next toDuration(sec)to display an edit box where you enter the duration in seconds. Shift time to zero— Shifts the logging start time to zero. For example, if logging ...
This timeout period is specified in seconds. The option to leave the MATLAB instance running is not available if MATLAB is invoked via “MATLAB engine interface via C API” or “Windows COM interface”. In those cases Reactis always closes the MATLAB instance after it has been used. 4.10.5...
This example uses: Stateflow SimulinkCopy Code Copy CommandThis example shows how to use the model of the missile airframe presented in a number of published papers (References [1], [2] and [3]) on the use of advanced control methods applied to missile autopilot design. The ...
Alarm state, during an alarm signal. During normal operation, the boiler can be in one of three states: Off, when the temperature is above 25 degrees Celsius. Warm-up, during the first 10 seconds of being on. On, steady-state after 10 seconds of warm-up, when the temperature is below...
The vehicle control strategy is implemented as a Stateflow® state machine. The ICE Controller subsystem controls the torque of the combustion engine. The Generator Controller subsystem controls the torque of the electric generator. The Drive Controller subsystem controls the torque of the IPMSM. ...
(delay,sec)on the outgoing transition creates a MATLAB timer object that executes the chart after a number of seconds. The chart then transitions to the stateBlinking.Onand creates another timer object to trigger the transition back toBlinking.Off. While the chart continually transitions between ...
subsystem then shortens and interpolates the path before passing the path to the trajectory generator. Note that in a more advanced model where the environment, or start and goal positions change, the model could trigger the subsystem multiple times using a Stateflow® chart or similar ...