下面是一个示例,展示了如何在状态机中使用`after`语句: ``` state State1 entry: after(2) //在进入State1之后延迟2秒执行的动作 disp('Action after 2 seconds'); during: //状态1的行为 exit: //状态1的退出行为 state State2 entry: //状态2的进入行为 during: //状态2的行为 ``` 在上述示例中...
Since soaking was required to be carried out for 200seconds, after which washing will be carried out, after(200, sec) was defined as the transition condition. OUTPUT: POWER: ON WATER SUPPLY: ON POWER: ON WATER SUPPLY: OFF POWER: OFF ...
three phases of a process are represented by three Stateflow states. When the system is in phase 1, the Stateflow chart executes the task that is modeled in the Simulink subsystem (task 1). After 60 seconds, the system enters phase 2, and task ...
Target acquisition is flagged by the tracker once the target lies within the beamwidth of the seeker (Acquire), and after a short delay closed loop guidance starts. Stateflow is an ideal tool for rapidly defining all the operational modes, whether they are for normal operation, or unusual ...
These changes reduced simulation time from 57 seconds to 3.3 seconds on average. Using the optimized model, we can now apply rapid acceleration and parallel simulation to compare the performance of those techniques (Table 2). Original Model, Normal Mode, Serial Execution, Fast Restart off5731 seco...
The Simulink environment is successfully completes by the subsystem Stateflow, which is an event-driven modeling package, based on the theory of finite-state automates. It allows us to represent the work of the system, based on a chain of rules, which specify the events and actions as respon...
subsystem then shortens and interpolates the path before passing the path to the trajectory generator. Note that in a more advanced model where the environment, or start and goal positions change, the model could trigger the subsystem multiple times using a Stateflow® chart or similar ...
“The Simulink and Stateflow models enabled us to validate requirements early and communicate the functional specification to our suppliers, complementing the written requirements in conformance with ARP 4754,” says Slack. “These models were reused to create desktop simulators, commission our HIL test...
This timeout period is specified in seconds. The option to leave the MATLAB instance running is not available if MATLAB is invoked via “MATLAB engine interface via C API” or “Windows COM interface”. In those cases Reactis always closes the MATLAB instance after it has been used. 4.10.5...