simulink仿真出现consecutive zero crossings的问题 有时simulink仿真运行到一半会报错; At time 0.03390082442188625, simulation hits (1000)consecutive zero crossings. Consecutive zero crossings will slow down the simulation. A report is shown below. You may increase the number of consecutive zero crossings all...
Step 2: Run the Performance Advisor ThePerformance Advisoranalyzes the model for configuration settings and modeling patterns that can slow down simulation and suggests actions to improve performance. After making modifications to the model, the Performance Advisor can do a final validation to show the...
Consecutive zero crossings will slow down the simulation or cause the simulation to hang. To continue the simulation, you may 1) Try using Adaptive zero-crossing detection algorithm or 2) Disable the zero crossing of the blocks shown in the following table. ---Number of consecutive zero-crossin...
Consecutive zero crossings will slow down the simulation or cause the simulation to hang. To continue the simulation, you may 1) Try using Adaptive zero-crossing detection algorithm or 2) Disable the zero crossing of the blocks shown in the following table. --...
will slow down the simulation or cause the simulation to hang. To continue the simulation, you ...
To open the dialog box, in the Simulation tab, under Configuration & Simulation, click Model Settings.Performance Advisor –Simulink tool that checks for conditions that might slow down a simulation. The advisor can automatically make changes to a model to address these conditions or you can ...
simulink仿真时,默认如果遇到超过1000个连续的过零事件,就会报错,如果想继续仿真,那么第一种方法就是使用自适应过零检测算法,在Simulation->Configuration Parameters->Zero Crossing Options中,把Algorithm选项选成Adaptive。第二种方法就是把提示中那个模块的过零检测关掉。Simulation->Configuration ...
Consecutive zero crossings will slow down the simulation or cause the simulation to hang. To continue the simulation, you may 1) Try using Adaptive zero-crossing detection algorithm or 2) Disable the zero crossing of the blocks shown in the following table. --- Number of consecutive zero-cross...
The run-time diagnostics can slow simulations down considerably. Once you have verified that Simulink does not generate warnings or errors during simulation, set them to Disable all. See Also Local and Global Data Stores Data Store Memory Data Store Read Data Store Write Detect read before write...
b) Load data in MATLAB base workspace and then pass it on to the Embedded MATLAB Function block through its argument list as a parameter. The simulation speed is slower when data is read from the MATLAB base workspace and passed into the EML block as...