这样定时器0才会启动 */ EA = 1; /* Attach rt_OneStep to a timer or interrupt service routine with * period 0.2 seconds (the model's base sample time) here. The * call syntax for rt_OneStep is
#include<stddef.h>#include<stdio.h>/* This ert_main.c example uses printf/fflush */#include"LED_Blink.h"/* Model's header file */#include"rtwtypes.h"#include<REGX52.H>/* 添加51单片机头文件 *//*** 变量定义 ***/#defineMAIN_CLOCK12000000#defineSYSTEM_DELAY1000/* 系统周期1ms */#def...
{/* Initialize model */LED_Blink_initialize();/* 定时器0 初始化 */SYSTEM_T0_Init();/* 使能总中断,这样定时器0才会启动 */EA =1;/* Attach rt_OneStep to a timer or interrupt service routine with * period 0.2 seconds (the model's base sample time) here. The * call syntax for rt_...
voidrt_OneStep(void){staticboolean_TOverrunFlag=false;/* Disable interrupts here *//* Check for overrun */if(OverrunFlag){rtmSetErrorStatus(LED_Blink_M,"Overrun");return;}OverrunFlag=true;/* Save FPU context here (if necessary) *//* Re-enable timer or interrupt here *//* Set model i...
按钮“Build Model”生成代码。 图10 点击生成模型代码 代码生成根据电脑性能不同,需要的时间也不一样,稍等一会儿,弹出“Code Generation Report”窗口报告,如图11所示,在这个窗口中可以看到整个模型生成了三个文件,分别是“ert_main.c”、"LED_Blink.c"和"LED_Blink.h",然后在LED_Blink.slx文件所在的目录下多...
按钮“Build Model”生成代码。 图10 点击生成模型代码 代码生成根据电脑性能不同,需要的时间也不一样,稍等一会儿,弹出“Code Generation Report”窗口报告,如图11所示,在这个窗口中可以看到整个模型生成了三个文件,分别是“ert_main.c”、"LED_Blink.c"和"LED_Blink.h",然后在LED_Blink.slx文件所在的目录下多...
I created a blank model, and included the blocks as indicated in the referenced page. However, when trying tu upload the model to my arduino board, I was unable to find the Configuration parameters dialog. In my menu bar there is no such option as Model Configurat...
Abstract: Based on the Arduino platform, an open source, low-cost hardware and software platform which is widely used in the measurement and control fields, the software development methods and workflows based on model are investigated in use of MATLAB/Simulink. Meanwhile, the examples of Arduino...
hello,I work with simulink and its pack of arduino.when i run my model in simulink(pwm) in external mode on arduino as it get to 50 percent an error occur.this huge error is huge and more than one page.how i can solve this problem? 댓...
How to set up a Simulink model to use external... Learn more about arduino, matlab, simulink, external MATLAB, Simulink