找了蛮久的~~~ 1. 首先双击scope示波器 2.点击左上角的View; 3. 选择Configuration Properties... 4.点击logging,勾选log datatoworkspace;variable name自己命名(这里的命名是ScopeData),saveformat可选择Structure 5. 运行一下simulink程序 此时ScopeData ...
:示波器图像如下图,我使用的MATLAB版本是2016b,将示波器数据输出到MATLAB工作区间需要做一下步骤:1、 先打开设置,点开logging选型卡,勾选logdatatoworkspace;Variablename是引用示波器时变量名称,可以使用默认名称,也可以自定义;Saveformat是保存格式,选择array。 保存成功后在运行一次。2、此时示波器scope中的数据就 ...
The Build Process will terminate.生成过程将终止。 生成代码log2 ### Successful completion of build procedure for model: TCU_HYDC01_EV ### Starting create temporary workspace. ### Starting initialize integration and buiding option. ### Starting integrate(整合) generated code into path: D:\HighTe...
Model Properties Name—Model or Model block name character vector Object Functions convertToDataset(Removed) Convert data logged usingModelDataLogsformat toDatasetformat unpack(Removed) Extract signal data fromModelDataLogs,SubsysDataLogs, orTSArrayobject into workspace variables ...
Log data to the workspace or a MAT file using the Record block. Log data in Dataset format using a Scope block. Log data using a Floating Scope or Scope Viewer. To group external input data for a model in a Dataset object, you can: Create an empty Dataset object and add the input ...
(4)Outputdata(输出数据)指定输入数据的方式:Workspace表示将统计数据输出到工作区,port则把统计数据从端口中输出。 (5)Variablename(变量名)当输出数据设置为Workspace时,本参数指定了用于保存统计数据的工作区变量的名称。 (6)Resetport(复位端口)当选择了复位端口时,错误率统计模块增加一个输入端口Rst,当这个信号有...
You can analyze the downloaded signals in MATLAB by usingulogreader, which enables you to import the data into workspace for further analysis. You can also use theFlight Log Analyzerto plot the data directly from ULog file as shown below. ...
Technical Articles Table of Contents Disabled expensive diagnostics that check for solver data inconsistency, division by singular matrix, Inf or NaN block output, simulation range checking, and array bounds exceeded Replaced Interpreted MATLAB Function blocks with MATLAB functions (This change has the gr...
Unfortunately it is not possible to log an entire signal as a single variable into the workspace with C2000 targets. As explained in the documentation pageParameter Tuning and Signal Logging with Serial External Mode, data is logged in real-time buffers....
“Checkstorageclassforworkspacevariables”on26 “Checkforsampletimesinthemodel”on27 “CheckforSignalConversionblocksautomaticallyinsertedonsignals enteringblockinputports”on28 “Checkforusageoffixed-pointinstrumentation”on29 “CheckforrootOutportblocksbeingconditionallyassigned”on30 “Checkforusageofsynthesizedlocaldat...