方法2 使用函数保存模型的配置 Simulink.BlockDiagram.saveActiveConfigSet("modelname", file) 例如 Simulink.BlockDiagram.saveActiveConfigSet("model_set_example", "Guozhilong.m"); Simulink.BlockDiagram.saveActiveConfigSet("model_set_example", "Guozhilong.mat"); 方法3 使用getActiveConfigSet函数 model_...
The primary function of Simulink is to simulate behavior of system components over time. In its simplest form, this task involves keeping a clock, determining the order in which the blocks are to be simulated, and propagating the outputs computed in the block diagram to the next block. Conside...
从MATLAB R2015b开始,有如下的功能可以方便的帮你找到系统中的代数环。 >> Simulink.BlockDiagram.getAlgebraicLoops(ModelName) 现在问题又来了: 1. 找到代数环以后该怎么处理呢? 2. 图中的实线和虚线的代数环有什么区别呢?这些问题的答案请见下篇:真假代数环...
Simulink.BlockDiagram.routeLine('DeferredLines')performs all line updates that theLineUpdatemodel parameter defers while a script runs. For this command to route lines, all of these conditions must apply: TheLineUpdatemodel parameter is set to'deferred'. ...
Simulink.BlockDiagram.expandSubsystem(subsys,'CreateArea',specifier) Description Simulink.BlockDiagram.expandSubsystem(subsys)replaces the specified subsystem with its contents in the block diagram that contains it. The file that contains the subsystem must be open or loaded. ...
Simulink.BlockDiagram.deleteContents(sys)deletes the blocks, lines, and annotations in the specified model. The specified model must be loaded in memory. example Examples collapse all Delete Graphical Model Content Open the example. Then, open thef14model. ...
我们生成的算法,也许在很多地方被调用,这是就需要把我们的算法模块单独出来作为一个子系统,可以把算法单独放在一个文件中,首先选中算法子模块,在菜单栏点击Diagram->Block Parameter (Subsystem ): 弹出如下菜单,设置我们需要的子模块名称及文件名称: 再按下ctrl+B快捷键,子模块及其功能代码就生成了,如下:...
Simulink block diagram of the fractional delay Goodwin oscillator.Kun, Wei
Simulink.SubSystem.copyContentsToBlockDiagram(subsys,sys) copies the blocks, lines, and annotations of the specified subsystem to the top-level block diagram of the specified model. It does not affect nongraphical information such as configuration sets. To use this function: The specified model must...
下面右击Subsystem,选择Block Parameter,在弹出的对话框中选择treat as atomic uint如下图,然后选择确定。 然后再对模型进行更新Simulation-> UpdateDiagram,模型的标号发生了变化,如下图 Subsystem模块中的模块的层级结构被调整为1,而subsystem模块自身也有了标号的执行顺序,该简单模型较之前没有设置原子子系统的模型比较...