SimDesign.Rproj fixed#60 Feb 15, 2025 _pkgdown.yml add pkgdown link Jul 24, 2024 SimDesign Structure for Organizing Monte Carlo Simulation Designs Installation To install the latest stable version of the package from CRAN, please use the following in your R console: ...
Second, this figure illustrates an oft-heard warning about p-values: always interpret them within the context of sample size. Lack of statistical significance does not imply lack of an effect. An effect may exist, but the sample size may be insufficient to detect it (or the variability in t...
Students in hydrology are expected to become proficient in a set of quantitative skills while also acquiring the ability to apply their problem-solving abilities in real-life situations. To achieve both these types of learning outcomes, there is broad evidence that activity-based learning is benefici...
Kwiatkowski, R., Hu, Y., Chen, B. & Lipson, H. On the origins of self-modeling. Preprint at (2022). Vaughan, R. & Zuluaga, M. Use your illusion: sensorimotor self-simulation allows complex agents to plan with incomplete self-knowledge. In Proc. 9th...
For M≈100 amu and R≈5 Å, we obtain ηsolvent≈10−5 Pa s. This is an order of magnitude smaller than that of hexane [47] (ηhexane=3.0×10−4 Pa s). By using this smaller viscosity we are able to enhance the diffusivity of monomers in the solvents, leading to more polym...
The first was to enable the accurate simulation of freely moving solid objects in a free-surface flow subject to hydrodynamic and solid contact forces. The second step was to apply these new capabilities to river ice dynamics problems. An SPH Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulation was ...
Hochenergetischer fokussierter Ultraschall (HIFU) appliziert unter US-diagnostischer (USgFUS) oder Magnetresonanz-tomographischer (MRgFUS) Kontrolle hat in den letzen 20 Jahren neuartige therapeutische Ansätze für eine Vielzahl von Erkrankungen geschaffen. Das therapeutische Potential von HIFU besteht...
The refrigerant circulation heat can be enhanced through the mutual transformation between thermal energy and surface energy during the adsorption and separation process of fluid molecules in porous materials. In this paper, the adsorption and energy storage of R1234ze(z), R1234yf, R32 and R134a,...
However, there were differences in the chlorophyll distributions in the eastern equatorial Pacific between the two models, which were due to dissolved iron, as this value was higher in UKESM-TOPAZ than in UKESM1. In a mean field analysis, the distributions of the major marine biogeochemical ...
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