{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":9202010,"subject":"SIMS 4 MCCC ERROR","id":"message:9202010","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":4},"Conversation:conversation:9202010":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:9202010","solved":false,"topic":{"__ref":"ForumTopicMessage:...
4)Now one more Important Step!: The Game seperates each Roommate into a single Homeless Household. If you use any Mod that fills Homes make sure those Sims will not be forced into Home Lots (you can flag Sims to stay homeless with MCCC). The game does not give these seperated Househol...
https://deaderpool-mccc.com/#/help/faq","body@stringLength":"1117","rawBody":" You cannot use the standard Sims 4 methods for adding Sims to households if you have households of more than 8 Sims. It is hard-coded in the Sims 4 UI code for Manage Households and CAS to only allow...
I found this on Deaderpool's site where I got MCCC in his FAQ section. Hopefully it will help! *** Maximum Household Size isn't working! I can’t add new Sims to my household! AKA: “How do I add Sims to households with more than 8 maximum Sims in it?” You cannot use the...