人际关系 modifyrelationship [现有角色名字] [现有角色姓] [目标角色名字] [目标角色姓] 100 Friendship_Main好友度100(数字随便改,可以为负数) 成为情侣modifyrelationship [现有角色名字] [现有角色姓] [目标角色名字] [目标角色姓] 100 Romance_Main爱情度100(数字随便改,可以为负数) 死亡 death.toggle false角...
Instantly get 100% friendship between two Sims: "modifyrelationship(First Sim first name and last name) (Second Sim first and last name)100 LTR_Friendship_Main" Instantly get -100% friendship between two Sims: "modifyrelationship(First Sim first name and last name) (Second Sim first and last...
一.在Sim4游戏中按 [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C 开启控制台,输入秘籍指令后按 回车。 1、基础大秘籍(一众秘籍的基础,建议打开游戏就输入) testingcheatstrue 启用作弊模式 2、人物 cas.fulleditmode 修改人物基因(按shitf点击人物修改) sims.Spawn 产生新的小人并将其添加到您的家庭。 sims.spawnsimple 产生新的小...
輸入testingcheats true,然後按下Enter鍵開啟作弊指令。 輸入modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] X LTR_Romance_Main] 按下Enter 鍵。 將作弊指令的X值取代成你希望模擬市民擁有的等級或浪漫關係。例如,要讓 Nancy Landgraab 和 Bob Pancakes 之間有...
先说一下就是,Sims4的很多秘籍都跟以往版本不一样了,虽然覆盖的功能多了很多,但是秘籍也多了很多。我这里会列出一些主要的作弊秘籍,比较常用的。 调出秘籍输入框 Ctrl+Shift+C 启用作弊模式 testingCheats on / testingCheats true 基本上所有秘籍都需要建立在大秘籍已经开启的基础上,新玩家请务必先输入这一条...
1、模拟人生4中一些作弊码需要先激活才能使用。 2、同时按住ctrl+shift+C 3、以下指令需先在控制台输入testingcheats true (也叫大秘籍)激活测试模式 模拟人生4怎么搬家 更新时间:2024/4/10 1、打开模拟人生4,进入游戏。 2、来到大地图中,找到我们要搬去的地方,找到后将在那住的家庭赶走。 3、我们选择自己的...
Hello, I need help with a cheat on the Sims 4! First of all, I don't have any expansion packs, only the base game.I'm trying to use the Modify Relationship... - 8573468
模拟人生4秘籍(The4CheatsofSIMS) 1,moneymodification Don'tusemotherlode.It'stootired Directsims.modify_funds5000000 500Wdirectlyinplace 2,charactermodification Starttestingcheatstruefirst Thencas.fulleditmode Thenshitfclickthecharactersdirectlyintothemodified ...
modifyrelationship YourFirstName YourLastName TheirFirstName TheirLastName 50 ltr_romance_main: Adds positive romance to 2 Sims. careers.promote dramaclub: Get promoted in the Drama Club To improve the fame of a Sim, with testingcheats on, select public image on a sim and you are allowed to...
- Cheats include unlimited money, spawning characters, skill level cheats, relationship cheats, mood cheats, career enhancing cheats, and plenty more! - Ability to favorite specific cheats for easy access! - Have every cheat you need on your iOS Device for convenient access right when you need ...