There is one drawback to using cheats: many times, the changes are irreversible. This isn't so bad when you're talking about things like the money cheat. However, if you make your Sim pump out 20 kids, you're going to have to deal with the consequences. These cheats can makeThe Si...
若想于《The Sims 4》中启用作弊指令码,您需先开启「作弊控制台」,请在游戏内使用 PC 或 Mac 按下「Ctrl + Shift + C」。这会开启作弊指令对话框,您可在此输入作弊指令。输入作弊指令后别忘了按下「Enter」。 秘籍汇总 1、开启秘籍框 --- Shift Ctrl C 2、启用隐藏的开发秘籍 --- testingcheats true ... Also I find entering “money [amount]” is an easier money cheat than motherlode and kaching. For example, you could enter “money 56782” and get that exact amount instead of spamming motherlode and kaching codes. And yes I have entered “money ...
随意摆放物品秘籍(然后按9和0键升降调整物品垂直坐标) bb.moveObjects 增加满意点数 秘籍格式:sims.give_satisfaction_points 数值 移除鼠标悬停时物品/市民高亮显示的白线框 hovereffects off 获得5W模拟币 motherlode 获得1K模拟币 kaching/rosebud 设定家庭资金数额 money 数值 启用免费入住/禁用免费入住 freeRealestate...
Money Cheats for The Sims 4 on PS4, PC, Mac and Xbox One If there is a classic that never fails among the Sims 4 cheats, those are the ones to get money or simoleons. rosebud: Get 1,000 Simoleons kaching: Get 1,000 Simoleons ...
An unofficial fan-made app All Cheats for Sims 4! • Money Cheats • Build Cheats • Skill Cheats • Career Cheats • Need Cheats • Death Cheats • Relationship Chea…
familyFunds [x][y]- Give money to a family, where [x] is the family's last name and [y] is the amount fullscreen [on/off]- Toggles windowed mode unlockOutfits [on/off]- Unlocks outfits in CAS (Create a Sim) mode. Note: Must be enabled before entering CAS ...
- Build Mode Cheats - Money Cheats - Skill Cheats - Careers Cheat - Move Objects Cheat - Pregnancy Cheats and many others. LEGAL This application is an unofficial guide for the The Sims 4 video game. It is not affiliated in any way to the games' publishers or developers. The pure aim ...
Actually, there is no need in cheats for Sims, as there are plenty of mods, suits, extra offers. And yet, if you can’t wait for something more, there are cheats offered by developers. For sure, they can make any game more interesting. The best cheat is money making. Use it and ...
When I try to do the money cheat on my ps4 it says “cheats disabled”, why is that and how can I fix it? 16 people had this problem. 0 + XP Me too #2 Next EA Post ↓ July 2018 Options EA_Jason EA SPORTS FC Team That's because you need to enable the che...