🌡️ Temperature : Control all the smart thermostats in your home directly from the smart hubs. 🤖 Neo AI : A new AI assistant answers your questions, gives you news briefs and automatically requests repairs when something breaks in your home! (Override the Linzy assistant on the base se...
Custom objects include: Internet Router, Wall Mounted Internet Router, Home Hub with Lin-Z Assistant (High School Years required), Classic TV Roof Antenna, and Satellite Dish. View Simzlink on my websitefor an in-depth guide of this mod's features! Check out the Simzlink Service Mapto see...
SIMS(Student Information Management System)是基于PHP和MySQL的学生信息管理系统。它提供了基础信息维护、课程管理、成绩管理和公告板等功能。 1. 基础信息维护:用户可以添加、修改和删除学生的基础信息,如姓名、性别、出生日期等。 2. 课程管理:系统可以添加、修改和删除课程信息,包括课程名称、学分、上课时间等。 3...
5 Assistant Nurse $68/hour Tue-Wed, Fri, Sun 6AM-4PM $680/day Successfully Diagnose and Treat Patients (2) $384, Restless Thankless Medical Stool, Surgery Tables at work can now be used to treat the most severe patient conditions, You can now Check Hotness 6 R.N. $95/hour Wed-Thu...
The Sims 4 Seasons expansion now has options! Want to disable weather or make plants in season year-round? You can do so with my newSeasons Tuner Mod Disable Seasons
【模拟人生4】自汉化私人助理1.4.1适配1.108怦然心动dlc必备游戏mod剧情模组Plumlace Personal Assistant v1.4.1 1.2万播放 【模拟人生4】Reshade滤镜5.5.2保姆级教程,解决你的界面空白! 4.3万播放 为什么我们的游戏看起来不一样 | Reshade安装教程 | 模拟人生4滤镜安装 28.3万播放 🌈拥有这三个Mods,没有Reshade...
new mod add-ons and new alternative versions of mods updates to loading screens, CAS backdrops, and poses unless it's clear that the update fixed an error Mods hostedonlyon Mod the Sims. Explainedhere. mini-updates (ones that don’t change the version number) of the Sims ...
The Management track offers various positions, such as Administrative Assistant, Human Resources Manager, Associate Director, Executive Director, and Chief Operational Officer. This mod can help you to unlock new skills for your sims. Build Your Own Houseboat ...
In live mode type in the cheat above and then shift + click on a sim, object or pet and it will open the debug menu. Just experiment with it. It has cool stuff that you can spawn like the sim modder! The ultimate cheat:
The nostalgia-riddled Team Fortress 2 Classic mod is coming to Steam You can try a radical new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game on Steam right now Valve just released the source code for Team Fortress 2 — on purpose A Steam page slip-up just told us more about Elden Ring: ...