In the base game, you get two columns in CAS. Who wants to scroll through all of the clothing items with such a small view, though?Savvy Sims 4 players know that they can upgrade the CAS with the Get More Columns mod to give you the ability to see more columns at a time. Do you...
This mod increases the number of catalog panel columns in CAS. Three mod options are available: 3 columns, 4 columns and 5 columns.
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There'sno way to change your own settingsin The Sims 4 to get more columns while in CAS. Since that's the case, players who want to add columns will have to do so by downloading a third-party mod. There are several different mods available to download, so this thankfully won't be ...
作者只更新到模拟人生4的1.90版本。 · 模组作者:Sacrificial · 汉化作者:三宫六院九译令汉化组 · 原址链接: · 下载链接: (八)More Columns in CAS/CAS增加列数丨MOD · 可以在CAS界面增加更多格子,以便在给小人装扮时更快地挑选装扮。
By default, you will have two columns in CAS. With themore CAS columns mod, you have the ability to choose from two, three, four, and five columns. More columns gives you the ability to see more items on the screen, reducing scrolling. This can be especially helpful when you have a ...
~ Chingyu'sMoreTraitsMod_Optionsfile if you aren't using the compatible version. ~ Age Matters by SotaruSims Doesnot conflictwith these other UI mods such as UI Cheats, More Columns in CAS, wrench overrides, TOOL etc. Will be compatible with all other regular mods. ...
【sims芮芮】模拟人生4原创人物分享💕卡嘉莉 sims芮芮 【kuromiko模拟人生4mod分享】RONA_SIMS家那些具有设计感的男装~内含超多运动奢侈潮牌套装♥ Kuromipop 200+自定义特征 cas特征栏扩展 自用功能性mod模组作者推荐(11)|模拟人生4 SIMS4 黄色废料处理站 ...
Download at ModTheSimsMore CAS Columnsby weerbesu Create-a-Sim is getting more cluttered with every pack, and it can be hard to find some specific shirt in the list. With weerbesu's More CAS Columns, you can expand the current 2 columns to 3, 4, or 5 depending on which version ...
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