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Three sages – masters of their own magic school – can help teach your Sim spells. In “magic HQ” they are denoted by symbols like this one. Sims can learn spells in several ways. You can win them in duels, forcing your opponent to teach you something. You can also scour the librar...
Tami has school, so we leave Chestnut Ridge early the following day and return home just before sunrise. Everyone seems to be happy to be back. But I’m thrilled because after selling the fruit from the money tree, I realize I’ve completed my aspiration, and I’m now fabulously wealthy...
Scouting Scouting is a new activity for Children and Teens in The Sims 4 Seasons. This new after school job is unpaid, but offers a ton of skill experience via the Scouting Aptitude reward trait you receive should you max out the 'career'. New Deaths There are multiplenew deathsassociated ...
I... really don't think they're supposed to go down that fast? There was a bug just after high school released where people were experiencing this though, often paired with the bar being the wrong color. I thought it was mostly resolved, but apparently they might still be looking for ...
I have a glitch that I didn't have prior to downloading the High School Years update. I tell my sims to do an action and they start the action but randomly stop in the middle. The bug mostly happens when I tell them to sleep or shower. The sim will just get out of bed...
Paranoid Park: Regia di Gus Van Sant. Con Gabe Nevins, Daniel Liu, Jake Miller, Taylor Momsen. La vita di un adolescente skateboarder inizia a logorarsi dopo essere stato coinvolto nella morte accidentale di una guardia di sicurezza.
Your sims will usually not make progress in their jobs or at school. They might make progress inSkills, especially in ones where skilling equipment is available on a public lot (the monkey bars for children, for example). Because of a recent patch, however, they might have a job if they...
@DantyElla, the Guest Lectures will be at either one of the 2 classroom buildings that your Sims go to classes in. Around the Quad area (the area with your school's statue) there are 6 clickable buildings: 2 dorms, 1 Student Commons, 1 sports arena, and 2 classroom buildings. Just ch...
Also, by having 2 schools you have the opportunity to have school rivalries, which , at least in the United States is part of the fun of going to college! You don't have to live in the dorms if you don't want to, but in real life some dorms are restrictive in what you...