WooHoo:TheMC Command Center WooHoomod handles the romantic interactions that take place between the Sims. It can also enable options such as teen woohoo, risky woohoo, and nudity. Given the nature of Woohoo module, it can only be operated by the users that are 18+. The link to add this ...
I tried resetting the Sims using the shift click cheat, using mcc command centre and typing it into the text bar, but after all of these when prompted to perform another action the same issue occurred. So I saved and exited the game, then repaired it via origin and checked my last excep...
Finde Expertentipps, Ratschläge zur Fehlerbehebung, Tutorials für Mods und benutzerdefinierte Inhalte sowie Die Sims 4-Patchnotes.51 Posts Recent Discussions Tagged: Read First [AKTUELL] Schadsoftware in einigen Script Mods
Zum Vorwissen muss ich sagen, dass ich zum Zeitpunkt des Updates den MC Command Center installiert hatte. Diesen habe ich gelöscht (andere Mods oder CC besitze ich nicht). Ich habe auch versucht das Spiel zu starten mit der Spieloption "Custom content deaktiviert" und es hat trotzdem ...
The main mods I use that I believed could cause issues are MCC, Wonderful Whims, and Slice of Life. I have tried taking those three listed mods out of my game, repairing my game, opening older saves to see if it applies to them as well, and creating backups of older saves and in ...
That could also be the problem. The only cc I had was MCC, but it wasn't updated for the newest update. Another possible problem. If anyone has any ideas on how to close my game that would be very helpful as my MacBook is now unusable. Thanks!
there seems to be a memory leak, as when i have to force quit the game, there is like 50% RAM usage (i have 16GB), i've installed MCC to check if there are hidden Father Winter in the game, but i can't see any random characters in the unhide hidden households menu (jus...
":"Conversation","id":"conversation:11911464","topic":{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":11911464},"lastPostingActivityTime":"2025-02-19T15:25:30.115Z","solved":false},"ForumTopicMessage:message:11911464":{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","subject":"Ultimate_Save game, has MCC ...
Hallo! Bei mir hängt sich Sims 4 beim Starten für ca. 25 Minuten auf bis ich reinkomme. Mein PC Ist aber sehr leistungsstark. Danach läuft immer alles... - 7280649