If you have no idea how to use the MC Woohoo mod, here is aMC Woohoo tutorialto help you out. The MC Woohoo is actually a rather useful mod that serves you well if you plan on making the game play rather dramatic. The MC Woohoo also functions as an extension for the MCCC mod by ...
Evil Sweets(Gold) Description:Have a Sim become an Emperor of Evil in the Criminal Career then serve 20 batches of great cookies ——— Exams for Sale(Bronze) *Requires The Sims 3 University Life Description:Sell exam answers to 5 Sims. ——— Exercise in Fertility(Gold) Description:Get a...
This allows Sims to have a more active role in gaining career performance without having to send them off to work. An hour before Sims are required to leave home to go to work, an alarm notification will appear on the lower left hand side of the screen. From there you can choose to...
First off, the generator will assign traits depending on the age of the heir/spare your generating for. To roll a trait and aspiration for a child, please do the following: Input the parent’s traits in the parent trait boxes (NOTE: sometimes the 2nd and 3rd Parent trait lists don’t ...
Burglars will be in the Criminal career track; playable sims can also become burglars. NPC burglars carry the hidden Burglar trait, which allows them to sneak. Child Protection Worker: In pre-made worlds such as Sunset Valley they are pre-made, otherwise they are randomly generated. They take...
Game_FanFavorite 粉丝最爱 Game_InstantBesties 立即麻吉 Game_Squad 小队领袖 Career_Noticeable 引人注目 Career_CelebuSerum 名人血清 Career_EstablishedName 名声巩固 Career_CareerHopper 自由转行 Career_EasyStreet 一路顺遂 Reputation_StarTreatment 明星待遇 Reputation_GivingBack 慷慨回馈 Reputation_Rally 靠过来...
Goth family The Sims Wiki Spencer-Kim-Lewis family Celene López Top Pages this Week The Sims 4: Businesses & Hobbies 1 Nordhaven 2 Trashley Reelpearson 3 Career tracks 4 Trait (The Sims 4) 5 Jimmy Sprocket and the Chalice of Lichens (§125/bookstore) ...
careers.promote MorticianPromotes the chosen Sim in the Mortician career.Allows you to level up as many times as you like in the Mortician career to earn exclusive career items and lots of Simoleons. traits.equip_trait GrimbornGives you Sim the Grimborn trait.Makes the targeted Sim an official...
Start your Sim in the lowliest job in any career path and watch them become the boss or owner in no time. Not every career is compatible with all mods, especially career-specific overhaul mods, but there’s enough here for curious Sims to get started. 8. MC Command Center If total and...
Career Marital Status Financial Status Trait Skills (Level 2+) Requirements are up to five attributes for Sims that meet in order to be in the Club. There is not a minimum amount of requirements needed for a Club. The Skill requirement will need the Sims to have Level 2 of the specified...