I have a household that I'm trying to play with, but every play my game takes forever to load. I downloaded an apartment with a lot of cc off of Patreon and I didn't spot any broken cc when I did my test runs. I used a cc conflicter to see if there was anything messed up ...
s due to all my cc. Decide I wanna build a big beautiful house and spend 6 hours building it. I have a cc that makes me go to live mode to see so I was finishing up and about to move my family in for the cc to show up and my game is stuck on the loading screen between ...
I let it load for 2 hours yesterday and it never let me get into my family, i’m just stuck on a forever loading screen. I only use makeup CC, but I tried without the cc and it still happens. I didn’t see anyone else having this problem right now so i’m trying here....
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My Sims 4 game keeps getting stuck on the loading screen when I try to load into a household. For some context, I have quite a bit of cc, most of the expansion packs, and a few game and stuff packs. I was playing my game just fine last Wednesday, when my dad came home. I ...
i got the sims 4 about 4 days ago, and it was working rlly well until I restarted the game to get a mod (mccc or something like that), but when i came back, the game wouldn't load, I literally had it load 12 hours overnight and nothing happened. I deleted the problematic mod...
Re: stuck at loading screen sims 4 #51 Next Hero Post ↓ August Options puzzlezaddict Hero 12 pt @eken09 I've poked at your save some more and see a similar issue, although I get error codes when trying to load the household. I think there might be a way to ...
Untill you run in aloading screen. On a district with various community lots, you'll get a loading screen each time you get or get out a lot. So far, they don't last too long (though they're longer than I expected. Mine last a bit less than 20 seconds), but I'm afraid they...
Additional things are that my laptop has been a bit laggy on its own, and when I open Sims, it becomes super laggy, even just the cursor, the loading of the main menu AFTER the loading screen itself, loading the save not using the resume button, etc. This didn't happen two weeks ag...
Can you post a screenshot of the alias showing the file path in the bottom of the Finder window and also the folder you moved to the external, again showing the file path? And a copy/paste of the Terminal commands you used. - The Sims 3 Mac Forum - | - The Sims 4 Mac Foru...